Get Involved
To attend WELLIES you need to be referred by:
- Community Mental Health Team
- Job Centre
- Building Resilient Families
- Pathway Project
- Shaw Trust
- Housing officer
- Social Prescriber
- Support worker
If unsure, get in touch and we’ll do our best to help.
Participants attending on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday should be 19+ and live in Staffordshire. They need to be able to fill in their own enrolment form and set and monitor some personal goals and targets.
If you would like further information you can contact us at:
WELLIES Office, c/o Growing Rural Enterprise Ltd
The Old Village Stores
Main Road
Julie White: 07971 666474
Nick Platt: 07767 844921
Twitter: JulieGrowRural or NickGRELtd
Or you can complete the WELLIES referral form below and return to
Members of the WELLIES Project can join our closed Facebook group ‘WELLIES Project Private Group’ to share pictures and experiences. There are also closed Facebook groups set up for each specific course where instructional videos, ideas, tips and tutor and peer support is ongoing.
We also warmly welcome anyone who refers people to the project to visit themselves. We are also happy to organise taster days.

“I am so happy that I got to come to WELLIES, it has helped me so much, it has given me more confidence in my independence. It has really changed my life. I am much happier when socialising with others now and enjoy getting away from home and spending time with others, WELLIES has really changed my life it has got me out, helped me make friends and has stimulated my mind and given me a sense of achievement. I now believe that I can do things instead of thinking I can’t all the time. It has overall improved my happiness and mental health.”
“An amazing experience, I feel so empowered.”